Here are links to support articles for all Texthelp products for using exam mode and restricting access to features:
Using Exam Mode In Equatio Desktop
Equatio Feature Switching for Tests and Exams
Read&Write for Windows
Read&Write for Windows - Installing for Exam Use
Deployment Option 2 - Using The Multi-User Setup Tool
Using Exam Mode In Read&Write For Windows
Using Read&Write in Exams- Everything You Need to Know! (UK Only)
Installing Read&Write for Exams in UK Schools
Using Read&Write For Windows With Respondus LockDown Browser
Using Read&Write With SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)
Read&Write for Google Chrome/OrbitNote
Read&Write for Google Chrome Feature Switching for Tests and Exams
How to use Read&Write for Assessments
How to set up Read&Write for Assessments - for Google Admins