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Purchasing Online As A New Customer

09/28/2017Texthelp Support
Support on how to buy a license from us online as a new customer

Purchasing / Renewing your License(s) Online As An Existing Customer

09/28/2017Texthelp Support
How to buy or renew your license(s) online as an existing customer.

FAQs For Buying & Renewing Online

11/03/2017Texthelp Support
How do I buy or renew my license?

Activating A Single License With A Product Code

01/30/2018Texthelp Support 2
How can I activate Read&Write for Windows or Mac, Equatio and Fluency Tutor with a product code?

I Bought A Single License of Read&Write, Equatio, And/or Fluency Tutor for Google, Now What?

01/30/2018Texthelp Support 2
How to get started with your single license subscription of Read&Write, Fluency Tutor or Equatio from Texthelp

Opting Out Of Auto-Renewing A License

03/15/2018Texthelp Support
How do I opt out of auto renewing a license?
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