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Getting Started with OrbitNote Modern

How to Access OrbitNote Modern

To access OrbitNote go to
*Note: Your license will need to have Modern turned on by us on a "by account" basis. Reach out to if you want to learn more.

This will prompt you to sign in with Google or Microsoft:

Once signed in, you will be brought to the OrbitNote dashboard:

Screenshot of the OrbitNote Dashboard

On the OrbitNote dashboard you will have the option to Open a PDF from your local system, from Google Drive, or from OneDrive. 

Add the OrbitNote extension for Additional Functionality

We have a lightweight extension you can install that will allow you to open Web PDFs into OrbitNote, as well as provide integrations for Google Classroom and certain Learning Management Systems (LMS). 

To install the extension, go to the link below and then select "Add to Chrome"

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