Writing Helper
To access Writing Helper, your staff and students can go to https://writinghelper.texthelp.com/SignIn in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
Once they are here, they will be prompted to sign in using a Google or Microsoft account.
If your domain is supported by Google/Microsoft SSO, they will be able to log in to Writing Helper using their school email domain email.
Please be aware, this domain must match the domain that we hold against your licence key.
Once the user is signed in, they can then Install the Writing Helper web app as a PWA (progressive web app).
You can also install the PWA across your network so your staff and students do not need to do this.
Please refer to your browser's documentation for further assistance doing this.
If your domain is not supported by Google/Microsoft SSO, you can deploy our Writing Helper Web Launcher.
You will need to download https://download.clarosoftware.com/writing-helper-web-launcher/WritingHelperWeb-engb-1.0.0-auth-X.zip
Then you will need to deploy the MSI and include the parameters: msiexec /i (location of the MSI) LICENCEKEY=(your licence key goes here) /qn
This will install the Writing Helper web launcher, and when this is run it will open Writing Helper web and activate the web app against your site licence.