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Global Tasks Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the main difference between Global Tasks and other task management solutions?

The main difference between Global Tasks and most other task management solutions is that Global Tasks has been designed specifically for neurodiverse users. Many standard features of other task management solutions, such as long lists, are stressful and hard to process for many users. Instead of long lists, Global Tasks offers an Overview where the long lists are broken down to related tasks; the user can see how the individual tasks contribute towards the bigger deliverable. The users also have the ability to hide tasks that are not relevant right now, both of which aid organisation and staying focused.

  • Can I sign into Global Tasks on more than one device?

Yes, you can sign into Global Tasks anywhere on any computer connected to the internet. You can also have Global Tasks signed in on more than one mobile phone or tablet. 

  • Can I synchronise tasks between different devices?

Yes, every time you open Global Tasks, it retrieves your latest list of tasks from your Google Drive, so they’re always automatically in sync.

  • What is the ‘Overview’?

Long flat lists are stressful and confuse many users and they can’t see the links between the tasks, or work out what’s more important than something else. In the Overview, the users can see how their individual tasks contribute to a larger deliverable (an essay, for example) and this makes it easier to look at the relevant tasks and define the priority.

  • Can I share my task list with someone?

You can't share your tasks/task list with someone unless you share your Google login details with them. If you want to share your tasks with someone, we’d recommend creating a dedicated Google Account for this.

  • Why should I hide my tasks/Why would I hide my tasks?

We want to encourage the user to list everything they need to do, just so that they have their tasks written down and won’t have to try to remember them. This frees up head space for focusing on the task they’re doing now. 

Equally, seeing lots of tasks on your to-do list may feel stressful, so we encourage users to hide tasks and projects they know they won’t be working on right now. When hiding tasks/projects, the user defines a time when they want the tasks/projects to automatically reappear. This way they’ve been noted down so the student doesn’t have to try to remember them, but for now, they are hidden and won’t add to their stress.

  • Why is the to-do list split into 3 sections? (Top 3, Next 5, Everything else)?

Breaking the task list into smaller sections helps prioritising. Rather than asking the user to prioritise all of their tasks, we’re saying “Identify your top three tasks. These are the 3 most important things you should be working on. If you're working on any other task, you should think of whether that’s the right thing to do.” Whatever else is below the top three can wait until they’re ready to move on. Some users want to see past the top 3, so thinking of the next 5 is good practice. Again, don’t try to sort all 50 tasks to decide what’s least important, focus on what’s most important and the rest will follow.

  • Can I link to Google Calendar?

Not currently, but this is something we are working towards. 

  • Can I import my class timetable?

Whilst there is no direct import for this. You can add your timetable to your tasklist by creating a project for your timetable and setting them to recur weekly. 

    • Where does Global Tasks store my data and tasklist?

    All items in Global Tasks are securely stored on Google Firebase. We only hold your email address, which is held in the Intercom service, which is hosted in Amazon Web Services facilities in the US.

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