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Data Protection Addendum

07/05/2024Texthelp Support
The Data Protection Addendum for Texthelp products referencing

Texthelp VPATs

03/27/2018Texthelp Support
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a document that may be generated by a vendor to indicate a product's conformance with the Section 508 accessibility standards.

Texthelp Data Security Policy

07/10/2017Texthelp Support
TexthelpLtd., Texthelp Inc. & Texthelp PTY recognizes that its first priority regarding information security and privacy is to avoid causing harm to individuals. Predominantly this means keeping information securely, on a need to know basis, in the right hands. This is the top-level policy and, as well as outlining the company’s information security objectives and how to meet them, it also includes a requirement for all security related documents to be reviewed periodically to ensure conformity and applicability.

Parent/Legal Guardian Account Deletion Request

07/10/2017Texthelp Support
If you would like an account deleted from our records please read this article.

Privacy Policy For Texthelp Products

07/10/2017Texthelp Support
At Texthelp, we are committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our website visitors and product users.
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