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System Requirements And Download

Writing Helper - Latest (Windows, Mac and Chromebook)

After going to Writing Helper using the link above, you can install the web app to your desktop by clicking the Install icon on the web address bar in your browser.

Currently supported browser are: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome 

DSA Requirements 
For supply into the UK DSA the minimum requirements of Writing Helper are: Dual Core and above (Intel i3) Min 4GB (Recommend 8GB), 64GB HDD (4GB Free Space).

Writing Helper is an end-user client applications and works on end-user client versions of platforms. 
Specifically, all the features of Writing Helper work just fine on Windows 10 and 11 (the supported Windows for users at the time of writing) but not on Windows Server (the network server version.)

If your machine meets the minimum requirements for your platform then Writing Helper will run on them.
For example, Windows 11 requires 4GB of RAM, so if you meet that, then Writing Helper Windows is fine.
If you do not have 4GB of RAM then you might be able to get Windows 11 and WritingHelper Windows working but we cannot support you or warrant that it will work properly.

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