With improved accessibility you can open the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbars and select features with your keyboard.
You can easily hide and move buttons on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar by clicking on the More button at the right end of the toolbar
If you’re trying to create a Vocabulary List and it’s coming up blank, make sure that you have used the Highlighters on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar first to highlight the words you want in your list.
Created On: 07/10/2017
in OrbitNote
How Can I Save And View Annotations In A PDF with OrbitNote?
Read&Write for Google Chrome Service Level Agreement
If you've purchased a single license for Read&Write and you'd like to activate Read&Write for Google Chrome, you should have received your product code by email which you can use to activate your subscription.
There may be an occasion where you’ll need to sign out of Chrome and disconnect your account to get extensions working. Please follow the instructions in the Google Chrome support article Turn sync on or off in Chrome.
If you have a premium subscription for Read&Write for Google Chrome and features on the toolbar are greyed out and you're seeing the message Learn more about our premium features, this means your account hasn't yet been authenticated.
Created On: 07/10/2017
in Data & Privacy Policies
At Texthelp, we are committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our website visitors and product users.
For instructions to deploy a Chrome app or extension to your users through the Google Admin Console please read Automatically install apps and extensions from Google Chrome Enterprise Help.