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Read&Write for Google Chrome Prediction Options

This article shows how to change options for Read&Write for Google Chrome Prediction.

To Access the Settings Menu to Change Prediction Settings

Click the 3 dot button on the right end of the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar:

Toolbar Dropdown Button

Go to Settings > Prediction

To change the number of suggested words in your word Prediction list

 Adjust the Number of results you’d like to see in your prediction list - you can choose between 3 and 10 words

Prediction Number of results

Click Save to apply any changes

To Stop Prediction From Following the Cursor While Typing

To change Prediction from the cursor, untick the Follow the cursor box

Follow the cursor

Click Save to apply any changes

To Turn Predict Ahead Off

Predict Ahead will suggest words on the fly as you type. Turning this off will change Prediction to only appear once you begin typing.

Predict Ahead

Click Save to apply any changes

To Hear Predicted Words When Hovering in the Prediction Window

Tick Read prediction suggestions on hover 

Read prediction suggestions on hover

Click Save to apply any changes

To Adjust the Text Size of Predicted Words in the Prediction Window 

You can also adjust the text size of predicted words in the Prediction window by sliding the button to the left to decrease or to the right to increase the text size. Sample text will appear in the box below so you can choose what suits best.

Change Prediction Text Size

Click Save to apply any changes

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