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Updated Articles

  1. Texthelp Admin Tool User Guide

    Using the Texthelp Admin Tool.
  2. Read&Write For Windows Features That Require Internet Access

    A list of features in Read&Write for Windows that require internet access.
  3. Mobile notifications not working

    How to collect the data for when your Global Task notifications are not working

    Downloads to get your software
  5. Read&Write for Google Chrome: Rewordify

    This article demonstrates the functionality of the Rewordify feature in Read & Write for Google Chrome. Rewordify identifies complex or challenging words in your text and offers simpler alternatives to enhance comprehension. Upon clicking the R...
  6. Steps for Google Admin to allow Read&Write for Google Chrome as a third party app in the Google Admin Console

    On the homepage of Google Admin Console, select the "Review Apps" option within the App Access Control window. On the subsequent screen, select "View List" within the Configured Apps window. In the resulting window, clic...
  7. Updating your licence

    How to download and run the ClaroRead Licence Updater
  8. How to use Global Tasks

    A quick guide on Global Tasks and how to get started
  9. ClaroSpeak Android User Guide

    User guide for ClaroSpeak Android
  10. Read&Write Versions 10.0, 11.0 and 11.5 - End Of Support

    Information on what versions of Read&Write are not supported any more.
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