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Converting MSI And CAB Files Into One File

ClaroRead installers now come as single MSI files, not MSI and CAB files. This page is left for historical reference, but you probably do not need it. 

Please use the following steps if you need to combine ClaroRead MSI and CAB files into one installer for deployment.

If you are using ClaroRead 13 or higher, you will not need to follow these steps as the MSI installers already have the CAB files packaged inside.

  1. Download the MSI file and the CAB to the same folder.
  2. Create a folder called “a” in your C drive.
  3. Do an administrative install. Go to the command line and enter (on one line):
    msiexec /a "PATH_OF_MSI" TARGETDIR=C:\a /passiveFor example:
    msiexec /a "C:\Users\Alasdair\Desktop\ClaroReadPlus-en_gb-7.3.3-net-X.msi" TARGETDIR=C:\a /passive
    You will find an (altered) copy of the MSI in the “a” folder along with new folders containing all the files in the installation.

Note: TARGETDIR is case-sensitive and we find it much easier to use complete paths for simplicity.

  1. You need a file from Microsoft called wimakcab.vbs. You can find it in the Windows SDK, but to save you time: Download wimakcab.vbs.
  2. On your commandline enter (one one line):
    cscript PATH_OF_WIMAKCAB.VBS PATH_OF_NEW_MSI newcab /C /U /E
    For example:
    cscript "C:\Users\Alasdair\Desktop\wimakcab.vbs" "C:\a\ClaroReadPlus-en_gb-7.3.3-net-X.msi" newcab /C /U /E

You should now find that your MSI in the “a” folder has increased in size as all the files have been embedded in it. You can now deploy this MSI file as required, and delete the downloaded MSI, CAB, and folders you have created.

Note that the MSI file will no longer be digitally-signed (as it has been altered since we signed it) but this should not affect your deployment.

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