To enable Active Directory (AD) you’ll need to open ConfigEditorGUI and change the following settings:
AD_Auth_User | The user to log into AD as |
AD_Auth_Pass | The AD users password |
AD_LDAPServer | The AD server address. Can be a name or IP address. |
AD_OU | The LDAP users to select the users e.g. OU=User Accounts,DC=testdc,DC=com |
AD_GetCandidateNames | Set to 1 to use AD. If 0 all AD variables will be ignored. |
AD_GetCandidateNumberFromADField | Can be Blank, Description or EmployeeID (see notes) |
It is important to note that the AD_GetCandidateNumberFromADField get it’s data from the currently signed in user not the name selected from the list. Also the user must be signed in via Active Directory for the fields to be correctly filled in. If the user is signed into Windows locally but then connected to AD from ExamWritePad the description and employee id fields will be missing.
If using Entra rather than AD there is not an option to get Candidate number from Description or EmployeeID. It only lists users from the group.