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Resetting Permissions For ClaroRead

Follow the guide below if you are facing any of the following issues:

  • ClaroRead won't read text (you can also check the following guide if this does not work:
  • ClaroCapture will not capture text from the screen
  • ClaroCapture will not highlight 
  • ClaroCapture will not perform a screenshot

First, download the Mac Uninstaller.

Once this has been downloaded and installed, select the option to Delete Settings.

Mac uninstaller window with delete settings selected

When you next open ClaroRead, you should be asked to allow Security Permissions.

Please allow ClaroRead and ClaroCapture the Accessibility permission.

Mac settings window showing ClaroRead in the accessibility permissions window

And also allow ClaroRead and ClaroCapture in the Screen Recording permission. 

Mac settings window showing ClaroRead in the screen recording permissions menu

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