If you get a message when trying to add the Read&Write for Google Chrome extension that shows that it is blocked by administrator there are likely restrictions on adding Chrome extensions on the domain your account is setup with. ...
This is how to make sure the Read&Write for Google Chrome purple puzzle piece icon appears on your Chrome toolbar
Created On: 07/12/2022
in OrbitNote
How to use OrbitNote in D2L Brightspace as a teacher or student
Resources for all Texthelp products for using with exams
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Equatio
Equatio Feature Switching for Tests and Exams
Created On: 05/31/2022
in Equatio
Using Equatio Desktop With The Respondus LockDown Browser
How to install a group or unlimited license on a standalone computer
We have had a long and successful history of customers who have used Read&Write with Citrix . When using Read&Write for Windows with Citrix, Read&Write needs to be installed in the same location as the applications that it will be interacting wit...
Created On: 04/22/2022
in Equatio
Disable Update Prompts in Equatio (Windows only)
Office 365 Support for Read&Write Office 365 is the brand name Microsoft uses for a group of software and services subscriptions, which together provide productivity software and related services to subscribers. It covers cloud storage, office pr...