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Testing With The Latest ReachDeck Version

If you are using version control with ReachDeck v3, it is now easier than ever to test the latest version of ReachDeck before pushing it to your live site.  

Add Browsealoud to your staging site for free

As a customer of ReachDeck, we can enable your staging site with ReachDeck for free.  Simply send your account manager the URL and we’ll add it to your contract.  Then, just as you did for your live site, add the ReachDeck code to your staging site and you’re ready to go.

To test, login to the ReachDeck Customer Portal, and you will see your staging site listed under your contract.  Please click on this link, then navigate to the Toolbar Settings. On this page, select the ‘Always latest’ from the dropdown menu, save your changes by clicking save and finish and refresh your staging site.

The latest version of ReachDeck will instantly appear on your staging site.

Alternatively, you can bypass the Customer Portal steps by adding the following ReachDeck code to your staging site instead:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Warning: Do not use this script on your live site as it may be changed or removed at any time.

Test ReachDeck on your live site

Don’t have a staging site?  No problem.  You can follow the Customer Portal steps above for your live site.  ReachDeck instantly updates as soon as your changes are saved in the Customer Portal, allowing you to immediately test the performance on your site and revert back to an older version if required, without any time delay.

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