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Updating to the latest version of Read&Write for Windows

Read&Write can be updated by pushing out the latest version of the Read&Write MSI or by pushing out the patches.

To check your version of Read&Write, go to Read&Write Settings > About Read&Write.

Updating using the latest MSI

 Before installing Read&Write, Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 must be installed on the computer.

 You can get the latest version of  the Read&Write redistributable MSI from our Read&Write Software Downloads article. Just enter your Read&Write Product Code and you’ll find the Read&Write Installer link under Read&Write for Windows > Installer in the Navigation section.

 Read&Write Essentials

 If you are using a Group or Unlimited license this will download the installer package.  You will find the MSI in the Downloads folder.

 For Single or Access to Work licenses a self extracting exe will be downloaded.  This cannot be deployed across a network.

 For more detailed information on installing Read&Write, visit the Installation Guide section of our website.

Updating using the patches

You can get the links to the patches that have been released for Read&Write (v12) from our Patch Downloads list.  If you don’t have the link to our Patch Downloads list, contact us with your Product Code and we can send this to you. Each patch must be installed individually and sequentially.

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