A link to our product matrix showing which features are included with which license.
To make changes to the voice and/or settings for Read&Write for iOS, open an app that uses the keyboard, select some text to be read and click the Read&Write for iOS Play button.
Please view our Read&Write Features Matrix for premium/freemium features
What to do if your Read&Write Take Home Code has expired.
Created On: 02/06/2019
in OrbitNote
PDF Is Blank When Opening A Shared PDF Through Google Drive
EULA guidelines for Equatio.
If a Chrome extension is disabled you will see a warning icon in place of the Chrome 3 dot settings button
How to install the extension so Read&Write for Windows can be used with Google Chrome.
Cómo Desplegar Apps y Extensiones a Través Del Panel de Administración de Google
Equatio requiere ciertos permisos de cuenta para acceder a Google Drive, Google Docs y Google Forms.