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Texthelp Admin Tool User Guide

What is the Texthelp Admin Tool?

The Texthelp Admin Tool is a tool that allows customers to manage which of their users get premium access to Texthelp products. If you are a customer that purchased a group license for one of our products, this tool will allow you to license end user emails so that they can sign in and get premium access.

This only licenses emails and does not deploy or install any products.

The Texthelp Admin Tool also has a section where you can license personal emails. If end users are unable to sign in with an organizational email, you have the ability to license a personal email under the Take Home portion of the Texthelp Admin Tool. If you are a customer that purchased an Unlimited license that includes Take Home, you will also have access to this portion of the admin tool. If you are not sure, please reach out to your sales representative. 

How to use the Texthelp Admin Tool

The Texthelp Admin Tool can be accessed from Chrome, Edge, and Safari browsers by going to If you are blocking cookies for this site, the sign in window will not appear. 

You will need a G Suite or Office 365 account to authenticate with. If you are unsure whether you have one of these types of accounts, you will need to ask your IT department. 

Sign in options

Once you are signed in, you will see your Group Licenses for any Texthelp products, along with other information:

  • Product Code

    • The product code linked to that license

    • This gets emailed to the sales and tech contacts at your organization

  • Name

    • The name of your license

  • Product

    • What product is linked to that license

    • Read&Write Read&Write button

    • OrbitNoteOrbitNote button

    • Equatio Equatio button

  • Allowed - The number of seats in your group license

  • Enrolled - The number of users that have been licensed

  • Expires - When your license expires

Manage Licenses screen showing 3 product codes and their details

The Manage button will allow you to upload new users

If you are signing in with a G Suite account

There are three ways you can upload users into the Texthelp Admin Tool and license them:

  1. Sync with the Google Admin Console (note: This requires the Super Admin role in G Suite)

    1. On the Home page, click “Manage” 

    2. Select “Google Console” in the pop up window
      Upload new source screen showing three file options for adding users 

    3. A permission window will pop up and you will need to select “Allow”
      Google Permissions Window screen asking to allow Admin Tool access to your Google Account

      1. If you are not a Super Admin you will get an error message
        "Looks like you're not a Google Admin so we couldn't get any group information"

      2. Error Message Screen if not a Super Admin

    4. All of your Google Groups will appear on the left-hand side    
      Groups screen showing a list of users in ticked groups

    5. Check all Google Groups you would like to license

    6. Once a group is selected, you will see the list of emails that are in that group

      1. If you do not see an email that should appear, click refresh

      2. If the email still does not appear, log into your Google Admin Console and make sure they are actually part of that group

    7. Select Continue to bring you to a confirmation page

      1. If you enter an email incorrectly or add an email that is not part of your domain, you will receive an error message and can view the details and see why they are invalid
        Issue Found message screen for invalid emailsList of invalid emails screen

      2. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message
        Issue Found message screen for exceeded group amount

    8. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

      1. If you leave that page before the sync is finished, it will not license all of the users

      2. Large groups will take longer to sync so keep this page open until you see the confirmation page

    9. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly
      License Updated message screen when sync has completed

  2. Sync with a Google Sheet

    1. Create a Google Sheet with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets.

    2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

    3. Select “Google Sheet” in the pop up window
      Upload new source screen showing three file options for adding users

    4. Permission window will pop up and you will need to select “Allow”
      Google Permissions Window screen asking to allow Admin Tool access to your Google Account

    5. A file picker window will pop up showing you all the Google Sheets in your Drive. Select the Sheet that contains the emails that you would like to license.  
      Select a file screen showing the files you can upload from Google Sheets

    6. If all the emails match your domain, you can click Continue to sync the users.

      1. If you enter an email incorrectly or add an email that is not part of your domain, you will receive an error message
        Issue Found message screen for invalid emails

      2. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message
        Issue Found message screen for exceeded group amount

    7. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

    8. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly
      License Updated message screen when sync has completed

  3. Uploading a CSV

    1. Create a CSV file with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets.  (Make sure you remember where you save it)
      An example spreadsheet open in Excel with a list of user emails in column A

    2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

    3. Select “CSV” in the pop up window

    4. A window will pop up and you will need to navigate to the CSV file you created

    5. If all the emails match your domain, you can click Continue to sync the users.

      1. If you enter an email incorrectly or add an email that is not part of your domain, you will receive an error message

      2. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message 

    6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

    7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly

If you are signing in with an Office 365 account

There are two ways you can upload users into the Texthelp Admin Tool and license them

  1. Sync with an Excel Sheet

    1. Create an Excel Sheet with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets.

    2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

    3. Select “Excel Sheet” in the pop up window

    4. A file picker window will pop up showing you all the Excel Sheets in your OneDrive. Select the Sheet that contains the emails that you would like to license. You can also upload a file from your computer.
      Select a file screen showing the files you can upload from OneDrive

    5. If all the emails match your domain, you can click Continue to sync the users.

      1. If you enter an email incorrectly or add an email that is not part of your domain, you will receive an error message
        Issue Found message screen for invalid emails

      2. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message
        Issue Found message screen for exceeded group amount

    6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

    7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly
      License Updated message screen when sync has completed

  2. Uploading a CSV

    1. Create a CSV file with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets. (Make sure you remember where you save it)
      An example spreadsheet open in Excel with a list of user emails in column A

    2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

    3. Select “CSV” in the pop up window

    4. A window will pop up and you will need to navigate to the CSV file you created

    5. If all the emails match your domain, you can click Continue to sync the users.

      1. If you enter an email incorrectly or add an email that is not part of your domain, you will receive an error message

      2. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message 

    6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

    7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly

Switching file source

If you would like to choose a different source for your list of users, follow the steps below depending on which file type you’re using.

  1. For users synced with the Google Admin Console

    1. Click on “Manage” in the Home screen

    2. Click “Continue”

    3. Click on “Change Source”

    4. Select the new source

  2. For users synced with a Google Sheet

    1. Click on “Manage” in the Home screen

    2. Select “Change Source”

    3. Select the new source

  3. For users synced with a CSV

    1. Click on “Manage” in the Home screen

    2. Select the new source

Authorizing access to the admin tool for other users

You can authorize other admins, teachers, etc. from your organization to access the Texthelp Admin Tool and manage your users. You will need to be set up as our Tech or Sales Contact for your license.

  1. Click 'Manage' on the Product Code you would like this user to administrate

  2. Click on “Add Admin” in the top right corner of the page. If you do not see “Add Admin”  please email

  3. Enter in the email they will use to sign into the Admin Tool with. *It is important to enter the email correctly, any typos will not allow the user to sign in*

  4. Enter in the first and last name

Licensing users with the Take Home section of the Admin Tool

The Take Home tab in the Texthelp Admin Tool is used for licensing personal emails if your organization does not use G Suite or Office 365, or if students prefer to use Read&Write with a personal email address. There are two ways to use the Take Home tab.

  1. Uploading personal emails

    1. When signed into the Texthelp Admin Tool with a Gmail
      1. Sync with a Google Sheet
        1. Create a Google Sheet with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets.

        2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

        3. Select “Google Sheet” in the pop up window
          Upload new source screen showing three file options for adding users

        4. Permission window will pop up and you will need to select “Allow”

        5. A file picker window will pop up showing you all the Google Sheets in your Drive. Select the Sheet that contains the emails that you would like to license.
          Select a file screen showing the files you can upload from Google Sheets

        6. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message
          Issue Found message screen for exceeded group amount

        7. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

        8. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly
          License Updated message screen when sync has completed

      2. Uploading a CSV
        1. Create a CSV file with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets. (Make sure you remember where you save it)
          An example spreadsheet open in Excel with a list of user emails in column A

        2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

        3. Select “CSV” in the pop up window

        4. A window will pop up and you will need to navigate to the CSV file you created

        5. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message 

        6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

        7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly

    2. When signed into the Texthelp Admin Tool with a Microsoft email
      1. Sync with an Excel Sheet
        1. Create an Excel Sheet with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets.

        2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

        3. Select “Excel Sheet” in the pop up window

        4. A file picker window will pop up showing you all the Excel Sheets in your OneDrive. Select the Sheet that contains the emails that you would like to license. You can also upload a file from your computer.
          Select a file screen showing the files you can upload from OneDrive

        5. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message
          Issue Found message screen for exceeded group amount

        6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

        7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly
          License Updated message screen when sync has completed

      2. Uploading a CSV
        1. Create a CSV file with just the user emails listed in column A. You cannot use multiple sheets. (Make sure you remember where you save it)
          An example spreadsheet open in Excel with a list of user emails in column A

        2. On the Home page, click on “Manage” 

        3. Select “CSV” in the pop up window

        4. A window will pop up and you will need to navigate to the CSV file you created

        5. If you exceed the group amount you will get an error message 

        6. Once the file gets the OKAY you can select Continue and then Sync

        7. You will get confirmation that the sync was done correctly 

  2. Using the Take Home Code

    1. The Take Home Code allows end users to sign into Read&Write if they don’t have an email address or can’t sign in with one of the suggested email providers

    2. This is currently only available for signing into Read&Write for Windows
      *DO NOT distribute this code outside of your organization*

    3. When signed into the Admin Tool, click on the Take Home tab.

    4. Under Code, you can click on Show to reveal your Take Home Code.
      Manage Licenses screen showing 3 product codes and the option to show their Take Home Codes

    5. This code can be used to sign into Read&Write for Windows

      1. In Read&Write's sign in window, click on Show More.

      2. Click on Use Take Home Code
        The standard sign-in screen when launching Read&Write, with all normal sign-in methods including the 'Use Take Home Code' option

      3. Enter in the code that was revealed in the Admin Tool

        A screen to enter the Take Home Code and click 'Sign-In'

  3. Changing the Take Home Code

Admins can change the Take Home Code by clicking Take Home in the Texthelp Admin Tool and then clicking Manage

Manage Licenses screen showing 3 product codes and the 'Manage' option for them for changing the Take Home Code

Reset Take Home Code screen showing the current code and an option to reset it to a new one

Click Reset Take Home Code to expire the existing code and generate a new code

Frequently Asked Questions

I am signed into the Admin Tool but I do not see my licenses

You will need to reach out to your Admin and ask them to add you to the license. 

Will the license update automatically when changes are made to the license group?

No. Each time a user is added or removed from your license group, an Admin must return to the Texthelp Admin Tool and re-sync.

Can I use one file (Excel or Google Sheets) that has multiple sheets within that file?

No you cannot. It needs to be one sheet with just emails in column A.

I am the Admin and when I signin I do not see my license

You will need to contact

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