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I Get a "Popups disabled" Warning when Signing into OrbitNote

If you see this screen when navigating to :

Allow Pop Ups

Then you will need to allow pop-ups before being able to sign into OrbitNote

Click on the icon to the left of your address bar, then toggle the Pop-ups and redirects option to Allowed, and refresh the page. If the "Pop-ups and redirects" option does not appear on this dropdown menu, then select the "Site settings" option

Site settings dropdown menu

On the menu that opens, scroll down to "Permissions" and locate "Pop-ups and redirects" then change from "Block" to "Allow"

Site settings menu

And you should then be able to refresh and see the sign in screen:

Screenshot of sign-in screen

A Google Admin can also push a policy to allow pop-ups for specific sites across all users:

This setting can be found in the Google Admin Console under: Devices -> Chrome -> Settings -> Users&Browsers -> Pop-ups

Then configure to allow pop-ups for:

Screenshot of Google Admin Console pop-ups settings

You can find more information on allowing or blocking pop-ups in Chrome from Google's support article here:

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