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How can I deploy the Read&Write for Android app?

For users to authenticate Read&Write for Android, we recommend creating an email with the following text and embedded link:

Please install Read&Write for Android by going to the Google Play Store before clicking the link below to activate. Once Read&Write for Android has been installed on your Android tablet you will then need to activate the app. Please note, Read&Write for Android is supported for use with tablet devices only.

To activate Read&Write for Android, please click the activation link.



  • You will need to edit the embedded link above with your Read&Write site license or product code as shown below:

  •  This won't work in a browser. It has to be in an e-mail client
  • It can't be an e-mail client in the browser. It has to be an app on the device
  • For security purposes we recommend masking the site license serial number or product code when sending the link so as not to compromise the Read&Write Site License serial number or product code

Optional Deployment: If you do not want to use e-mail and want to embed it on an intranet site instead so students can register in the browser, you must use this link instead:


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