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Setting Up Read&Write On A USB

  1. Download the Read&Write Setup Media from the Read&Write Software Downloads article.
    1. Click on Read&Write for Windows
    2. Installation to USB Key
    3. Download

  1. Plug your USB key into your computer.

  1. Go to the file that you downloaded, then right click on and choose Extract All

Extract files

  1. Once the files have been extracted, run RWUSBKeySetup.exe.  

  1. This will extract some additional files, then start the installer.  Accept the User Terms, then click Next.

Accept terms


  1. Select your locale, then click Next.

Choose locale

  1. Connect your USB key, then click Next.

  1. Select the USB you would like to put Read&Write on, then click Next.  Read&Write will then be copied to your USB.


We recommend installing Read&Write onto a blank formatted USB drive.

If you’re restoring to a USB that has a previous copy of Read&Write Mobile, you can format the USB by choosing the Format target device before installation checkbox available during installation of Read&Write. Otherwise, we recommend manually formatting the USB key before running the USB Key setup.

WARNING:  This will delete existing data on the USB key.  Data that you wish to retain should be copied to another storage device PRIOR to installation.

Running Read&Write from a USB

To run Read&Write from your USB key:-

  1. Insert the USB device into any computer running Windows 7 or above.

  1. Browse to the USB device.

  1. Click on the Read&Write Mobile icon (Read&Write) to launch.

You can then log into Read&Write using your preferred provider.



1.   Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 must be installed on the computer before running Read&Write Mobile.

2.   Read&Write Mobile should be closed down before removing the USB key from the computer.

3.   Setup Software is available on the Read&Write Software Downloads article website.

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