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  1. Adding/Deleting Corrections and App Exclusions to AutoCorrect

    How to manually add corrections and disable AutoCorrect in certain apps
  2. Backing Up and Restoring AutoCorrect List and Settings

    How to move your corrections list to a new/replacement/reset device
  3. Steps for Google Admin to allow Read&Write for Google Chrome as a third party app in the Google Admin Console

    On the homepage of Google Admin Console, select the "Review Apps" option within the App Access Control window. On the subsequent screen, select "View List" within the Configured Apps window. In the resulting window, click the ...
  4. AutoCorrect Command Line Install Switches

    Command line installation switches for AutoCorrect
  5. New Change My Grade option.

    A Change My Grade option is now displayed before you are taken to the story selection page. ​ After the student has logged in and has gone passed the sound check they will see: ​ The Grade the studen...
  6. Administrators can now view the word count and the text from the stories/passages.

    Steps for Admins to see the word count and text for uPAR stories/passages.
  7. Administrators can now remove stories if they feel the content is against policy.

    Steps for an admin to remove a uPAR story
  8. AutoCorrect Mac Command Line Installation

    Mac command line installation commands
  9. Disable Local Auto Correct

    Guide on disabling autocorrect software
  10. AutoCorrect Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently asked questions about AutoCorrect and it's features
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