You may have a large number of iOS users and want to give them all one of the Claro Software Apps – you want the equivalent of a site licence deployment for iOS Apps. For example, you want every student in your school to have ClaroSpeak on their iPad.
For the paid-for Apps, doing it manually – buying each App individually for each iPad – takes a long time and updates will require the users to know the AppStore password. Or you may want to push a free iOS App to your users. Again, even though it is free, you don’t want to have to go do each device individually.
Instead you can use two Apple systems to help you:
The Volume Purchase Program lets you buy lots of licences for a single App in one go. So you can buy all the apps you need in one go. You do not need to enrol this if you are installing our free Apps and unlocking all their features.
The Profile Manager program lets you remotely configure iOS devices, including deploying apps to them.
The older Apple Configurator program does the same thing, but requires you to manually plug each iOS device into the Mac – no remote configuration. You would only use Apple Configurator if you have to support very old iOS devices that can’t run iOS 9 – the original iPad, or iPhone 3 and earlier.
Here is roughly how it works:
(Paid-for Apps Only) Your school/college/company signs up for the Volume Purchase Program and buys multiple copies of the app you want. (You can skip this step if you are only deploying our free Apps, whether or not you are then unlocking them.)
You install and run Profile Manager on a Mac and set up a profile for your school/college/company.
You register the iOS devices with your school/college/company profile, or you get your users to do it themselves.
You install the Apps from Claro onto your registered iOS devices using the Profile Manager.
Paid-for Apps: When you install a paid-for App from Claro onto one of your registered iOS devices it uses up one of the copies you purchased using the Volume Purchase Program.
Free Apps: You can install the free Apps and can use an MDM to log them in to unlock all the features included in your site licence. See How to automate your iOS App Logins.