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How Do I Add A Student?

If you do not see a student listed in Students, this is because the student has not yet been associated with your account. There are three ways to associate a student with your account:


Using a Class Code

This is the preferred method of associating students with your account, as this will allow the student to log in to see their scores and feedback from their teacher. However, it requires the student install our Chrome App. If your students cannot install Chrome apps, Share a Passage via Google Drive instead.

  1. Open your Dashboard and look for your unique Class Code:
    Fluency Tutor Class code
  2. Ask your students to install and launch the Chrome App from the store:
  3. When prompted, the student should choose the Student option:
    Fluency Tutor Screen asking if you are a student or teacher

  4. Enter the unique class code and press the Login button:
    After selecting student there is a field to enter in your teacher's class code

Share a Passage via Google Drive

Sharing a passage with a student for the first time will automatically associate them with your account. This is the easiest method to use if you do not use Google Classroom or your students cannot install Chrome Apps.

Using Google Classroom

If your school is using Google Classroom, you can sync your classes and students automatically by opting-in to Classroom Integration:

  1. Open your Dashboard and select Students:
    Students icon in Fluency Tutor Dashboard

  2. Click on the link inside the Google Classroom notification:
    Link to sync with Classroom

  3. Your class rosters will be automatically updated from Google Classroom. To update your class rosters at any time, click the Update from Classroom option:
    Google Classrooms showing in your Fluency Tutor Dashboard
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