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Pre-Configuring Mac For Read&Write Use In A Site Environment

Read&Write requires certain system permissions to be able to work properly. In a network environment, standard end users may not have the right permissions to enable this, so network admins will need to create and push out a mobileconfig file via MDM to give Read&Write these required permissions automatically.

Apple has detailed information and examples on their support website.

The Read&Write mobileconfig file will require 3 keys in the Services dictionary:

  • Accessibility
  • ScreenCapture
  • AppleEvents
    • This requires dictionaries for each of the following applications:
      • System Events
      • Music
      • Safari
      • Microsoft Word (if installed)
      • Pages (if installed)
      • Google Chrome (if installed)
      • Firefox (if installed)

The generated mobileconfig file will need to be deployed to the target machines via an MDM.
We have a template mobileconfig file here and an example mobileconfig file here.

Please note:

  • We cannot guarantee the example mobileconfig file will work on your systems, but it should be a good starting point.
  • The template file shows how to generate the CodeRequirement string.
  • Always make sure both PayloadUUID strings have been generated by yourself, using uuidgen.

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