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How To Enable / Disable Read&Write For Mac Prompts

You can now bypass Prompts with a Plist file to stop the application from popping up the Accessibility setting dialog needed for Read&Write.  In OSX Mojave there will also be automation prompts. These prompts can now be bypassed for Admins by pushing out a plist file called RWSettings.plist to the Users/Shared/Read&Write folder.  The online part of Check It can also be disabled site wide using this file.  The plist file details are shown below.


To bypass the Security Accessibility Popup - 


** Bypassing this will disable the prediction feature and mean that the check it feature will work by selection only.


* Use the key "AccessibilityPrompt" with value "NO"

To bypass the Automation Popup - Bypassing this will stop Read&Write communicating with other applications.


* Use the key "AutomationPrompt" with value "NO"

To bypass the Online Checkit feature and use offline only


* Use the key "CheckitOffline" with value "YES"


To create the plist file use the Terminal application and the following commands


cd /Users/Shared/Read\&Write

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy RWSettings.plist

add AccessibilityPrompt bool false

add AutomationPrompt bool false

add CheckitOffline bool true



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