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Multi Line Prediction And Alignment Options With Equatio

The new Equatio update allows for multi line prediction using our Equation Editor. Below you can find a short video outlining this new feature as well as how to quickly navigate, along with a handy table containing the shortcuts that have been added in order to streamline the experience of Equatio in G Suite!

Keyboard ShortcutsResult
New line in Equation Editor
Copy current line and paste into a new line in Equation Editor
Create a new column and align vertically
Create a fraction with the previous term in the numerator
\text TAB or \text + Press Enter
Toggle to text mode
Highlight selection then type \sqrt + Press EnterPut selection inside of a square root
Highlight selection the type \underline + Press EnterUnderlines the highlighted selection
Highlight selection then type \overline + Press EnterOverlines the highlighted selection
CTRL + ALT + YClick on the inserted math and access the ALT Text for inserted math
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