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Deploying Equatio For Windows

Choosing your deployment mechanism

If your organization uses G Suite or Microsoft and all of your end users have Google or Microsoft Office 365 accounts that they can sign into the Equatio application with, then Texthelp recommends using Deployment A.  

If your organization does not use G Suite or Microsoft and your end users do not have Google or Microsoft accounts Office 365 accounts to sign into the Equatio application with, then Texthelp recommends using Deployment B.

Deployment A

Your organization uses G Suite or Microsoft and all end users have a Google or Microsoft Office 365 accounts

Steps to deploy

To deploy Equatio so your users can sign in to Equatio with Google or Office 365 accounts:-

  1. Go to the Equatio download page
  2. Select the Equatio MSI
  3. Deploy the Equatio application across your network using your preferred software deployment methods

When your end users launch Equatio, they will be asked to sign in using their Google or Office 365 account.

IMPORTANT: The email domain your end users log in with needs to match the domain information you provided to Texthelp when your software was purchased. For more information on this, please contact Tech Support at

Deployment B

IMPORTANT: Equatio must be installed on the computer before installing the Multi-User Setup Tool.

Steps to deploy

  1. Go to the Equatio download page
  2. Select the Equatio MSI
  3. Deploy the Equatio application across your network using your preferred software deployment methods

How to set up Equatio on a network of computers

1. Download the Multi-User Setup tool and run the Equatio Multi User Setup.exe. This will install the application to your computer and when finished, you’ll find a shortcut to the application on your Desktop.

2. Run the Equatio Multi-User Setup.exe and the Welcome screen will appear.

3. Click the Get Started button

4. Enter your Product Code. This can be found in your onboarding email received upon purchasing Equatio.

5. Choose where you would like to save the MSI that will be created. This will default to your desktop.

6. Click Create

7. Deploy this MSI along with the Equatio software across your network using your preferred deployment methods. When your end users launch Equatio, they will not be prompted to log into the program.

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