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Disable Local Auto Correct

Sometimes AutoCorrect will not operate correctly.
This can be words not correcting, words or letters being replaced with different letters/words or adding QZ to the end of the word (amongst other things).
This can be because a different auto correct facility might be interfering with AutoCorrect.
In these cases, disabling that local facility can help.

For Mac

To check this, open Notes and type "sosij" (without quotations) and if it corrects, disable the Mac auto correct using the guide at,has%20its%20own%20spell%20checker.

For Windows

Open the Start Menu/Search bar and type Settings
Windows menu showing the settings icon

Inside Settings you can use the Find a setting bar to type "Autocorrect misspelt words"
This will take you to the Time & Language>Typing page, here you can toggle off the option to correct misspelt words.
Settings page showing the find a setting and autocorrect misspelt words section highlighted

For Google

Open the settings menu by heading to the 3 dots in the top right corner and pressing Settings.

google chrome with the settings option highlighted

You can then use the Search bar to search for Spell check, then you can untick the option Check for spellings errors when you type text on web settings showing the search bar and check for spelling errors option highlighted

For Word

To check this, if you open WordPad or a similar document editor and type "sosij" (without quotations), if it corrects then follow the steps below.

Open Word and click File

microsoft word showing File highlighted

You will need to navigate to Options.

Next, click on Proofing>AutoCorrect Options...

microsoft word options showing autocorrect options in the proofing tab

In the next window, untick Replace text as you type.

autocorrect options

For Outlook

Open Outlook and open File > Options and then click on Editor Options

Editor options button

In the next window, select Proofing > AutoCorrect Options

The next screen will have an option to click on Replace Text As You Type
Replace as you type checkbox on Autocorrect tab

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