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Updated Articles

  1. Is there a Trial or Demo Version of ExamWritePad?

    Information on trial availability and usage for ExamWritePad
  2. ExamWritePad Compliance/Privacy

    Compliance and data privacy information for ExamWritePad
  3. ExamWritePad Customer Documentation

    Supporting documentation for current ExamWritePad customers
  4. Using Exam Mode In Read&Write For Windows

    The Exam Mode in Read&Write for Windows allows a teacher or admin to turn Read&Write toolbar features off for exams. Follow these steps to set it up.
  5. Zotero

    Support for functions with Zotero and Writing Helper
  6. URLs for Allowing Texthelp Products

    URLs to allow for Texthelp products
  7. How do I view a Protocols summary on the uPAR website?

    Steps to view a Legacy uPar Protocols summary on the uPAR website.
  8. How do I archive, unarchive or delete a Protocol on the uPAR website?

    Steps to archive, unarchive or delete a Legacy uPar Protocol .
  9. Read&Write for Google Chrome Feature Switching for Tests and Exams

    These instructions are for deploying Read&Write for Google Chrome with a customized toolbar with features that can be disabled across a G Suite for Education domain, OU or a Windows network that can be used for restricting features for tests and exams
  10. Texthelp Admin Tool User Guide

    Using the Texthelp Admin Tool.
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