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Adding and removing students in uPAR


How do I give a student access to uPAR using a username and password?
Steps on how to add a student to uPAR using a username and password.
How do I invite students into uPAR by email?
Steps on how to invite a student into uPAR by email.
How do students accept a uPAR invite?
Steps for a student to accept a uPAR email invite.
How do my students take the uPAR protocol?
Steps for students to login to the uPAR protocol.
How do I add students by Google OU (Organizational Unit) to uPAR?
Steps to add students to uPAR by Google OU.
How do I remove my Google OU from uPAR?
Steps to remove a Google OU from uPAR.
Steps to Create a CSV file of students using Google Sheets.
Steps to create a student CSV file in Google docs that can be used to add students to uPAR, Co:Writer or Snap&Read.
How do I add students to uPAR using a CSV file?
Steps on how to add a student to uPAR by CSV.
How do I import students from Google Classroom into uPAR?
Steps on how to add your students from Google Classroom into uPAR.
How do I remove a Google Classroom from uPAR?
Steps on how to remove your Google Classroom from uPAR
How do I remove a student from uPAR?
Steps on removing a student from uPAR
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