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Opening PDF's Automatically into OrbitNote

This article will go over all of the ways a PDF can be directly opened into OrbitNote

Opening PDFs from Google Drive:

To Have PDFs in Google Drive open directly into OrbitNote, you will need to set OrbitNote as the default PDF reader in your Google Drive apps settings.

1. Go to and click the settings gear in the top right, then click on settings

Google Drive settings

2. Click Manage apps on the left side of the screen

Manage apps

3. Scroll down to the OrbitNote entry, and check the box for "Use by default"

Any PDF opened from Google Drive will now automatically open into OrbitNote. If you do not want Google Drive PDFs opened into OrbitNote, just make sure the "Use by default" option is unchecked

Opening Web PDFs 

To open Web PDFs automatically into OrbitNote, first you will need to have the OrbitNote extension installed:

By default, the option to open Web PDFs directly into OrbitNote will be turned off.

1. To turn this option on, right click on the OrbitNote extension icon and select "Options"

OrbitNote extension options

2. Then check the option "Open Web PDFs"
Open web PDFs option

Now any PDF that is opened from a link on the Web will open directly into OrbitNote

Opening PDFs from Google Classroom

To open Web PDFs automatically into OrbitNote, first you will need to have the OrbitNote extension installed:

By default, the option to open PDFs directly into OrbitNote will be turned on.

1. To change this setting, right click on the OrbitNote extension icon and select "Options"

2. Then check or uncheck the option for "Open Classroom PDFs Directly"

Open Classroom PDFs Directly option

If you use OrbitNote through the Snap&Read Extension

1. Left click on the Snap&Read extension and select "Options"

Snap&Read extension dropdown menu

2. Toggle the option to "Load PDFs with OrbitNote automatically"

Snap&Read options menu, Load PDFs with OrbitNote automatically

This setting will cause Web PDFs to be opened automatically into OrbitNote

Note: If you do not want PDFs automatically opened into OrbitNote, make sure all of the settings in this article are toggled OFF

You will still have the option to open PDFs into OrbitNote, it will just require an extra step of selecting "Open with" -> OrbitNote

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