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  1. How to Load Candidate Names/Numbers from Active Directory (AD)

    Information on using the AD related settings in ExamWritePad
  2. User Data and Internet Access (Writing Helper)

    Internet access and encryption All connections use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit. Writing Helper uses Google Analytics in accordance with their usage policies – so we cannot individually-identify any users. Writing Helper calls our online...
  3. uPar now uses SpeechStream for the TTS portion of uPar

    uPar now uses SpeechStream for the TTS portion of uPar Whats New: Updated toolbar: Play, Stop, Pause*, and Settings functions are now in the SpeechStream toolbar at the top of the page. ...
  4. URLs for Allowing ExamWritePad

    A list of URLs used by ExamWritePad for specific online features
  5. How to Transfer Existing Annotations to OrbitNote Modern

    As part of the transition from OrbitNote Classic to OrbitNote Modern , annotations that were made in OrbitNote Classic will not be carried over to OrbitNote Modern. To avoid losing any important annotations on specific files, those PDFs will n...
  6. Samsung mobile app

    Settings for getting Global Tasks to work on your Samsung mobile device
  7. Deleting your account

    Deleting your Global Tasks account and data
  8. Batch Printing in ExamWritePad

    Detailed guide on batch printing from ExamWritePad
  9. Is there a Trial or Demo Version of ExamWritePad?

    Information on trial availability and usage for ExamWritePad
  10. How to use Global Tasks

    A short guide on how to get started with Global Tasks
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