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This category contains help and support for ExamWritePad.

Keyboard shortcuts for Language symbols/characters

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
How to use keyboard shortcuts for language characters and symbols

Keyboard shortcuts for operations with ExamWritePad

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
List of keyboard shortcuts compatible with ExamWritePad

Can I edit/add/delete words in the dictionary used for spell checking?

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
How to edit words in the dictionary used for spell-checking on ExamWritePad

ExamWritePad underperforming or locking up after so many minutes of use?

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
Fixes for ExamWritePad locking up or underperforming

How do I obtain a list of candidate names from my EntraID domain?

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
How to get a list of names from EntraID for your exam

Command line usage (pre install) MSI deployment

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
Command line parameters for deploying license, settings and logo files

Command line usage (post install)

10/09/2024Texthelp Support
List of commands usable for post-install setup
Still need help? Contact us here