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Keyboard shortcuts for operations with ExamWritePad

CTRL + ASelect everything within the document  
CTRL + CCopy selected text/objectCTRL + HomeJump to the top of the document
CTRL + VPaste the copied text/objectCTRL + EndJump to the bottom of the document
CTRL + XCut selected text/objectHomeJump to the start of the line
CTRL + WClose the documentEndJump to the end of the line
CTRL + ZUndo the last operationShift + Left arrowSelect or unselect one character to the left.
CTRL + YRedo the last operationShift + Right arrowSelect or unselect one character to the right.
CTRL + SSave the documentCTRL + Shift + Left ArrowSelect or unselect one word to the left
CTRL + NCreate a new documentCTRL + Shift + Right ArrowSelect or unselect one word to the right
CTRL + OOpen a documentShift + EndSelect from the cursor/current position to the end of the current line
CTRL + PPrint the documentShift + HomeSelect from the cursor/current position to the beginning of the current line
CTRL + FFind / ReplaceCTRL + [Decrease the font size of the selected text by 1 point
CTRL + BMake selected text boldCTRL + ]Increase the font size of the selected text by 1 point
CTRL + UUnderline selected text (Single)CTRL + DownMove to cursor to the next paragraph
CTRL + IMake selected text italicCTRL + UpMove to cursor to the previous paragraph
CTRL + ECentre the selected textCTRL + backspaceDelete one word to the left
CTRL + LAlign the selected text to the leftCTRL + EnterInsert a page break
CTRL + RAlign the selected text to the rightIn a table: tabTo jump to the next cell in the table
CTRL + JFully justify the selected textIn a table: shift + tabTo jump to the previous cell in the table
CTRL + Number Pad 2Inserts the ½ symbolCTRL + Equals (=) keyChanges the selected text to subscript
CTRL + Number Pad 3Inserts the ¾ symbolCTRL + Shift + Equals (=) keyChanges the selected text to superscript
CTRL + Number Pad 4Inserts the ¼ symbolCTRL + F10Actives the lockscreen (if enabled in the config) 
F1Display help F2PDF Reader (when visible) in full screen
F3N\A F4Candidate Information Window
F5Find & Replace F6N\A
F7Spell Check Document F8N\A
F9Character Map F10N\A
F11N\AF12 Save As
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