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Equatio Discoverability On The Web

Equatio for Google Chrome's new update now allows for discoverability on web pages containing math, allowing you to read, copy, and create accessible math directly from webpages. 

You will notice a blue box outlining the sections Equatio has recognized containing math, and some options will appear along the edges when you hover over, as shown below:

EquatIO recognising maths on a webpage

Clicking on the camera will allow you to create and copy either LaTeX or MathML, and the math will also be read aloud once the capture has been done, giving you a play and stop option:

Using EquatIO to copy maths

Clicking the question mark will populate a help window letting you know the new capabilities of Equatio on the web:

Help Window

If you have any questions or issues regarding the new discoverability and accessibility features of Equatio, feel free to click the Equatio button on your toolbar and select Send Feedback.

Still need help? Contact us here