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  1. How do I add students by Google OU (Organizational Unit) to uPAR?

    Steps to add students to uPAR by Google OU.
  2. How do students accept a uPAR invite?

    Steps for a student to accept a uPAR email invite.
  3. How do I invite students into uPAR by email?

    Steps on how to invite a student into uPAR by email.
  4. How do I give a student access to uPAR using a username and password?

    Steps on how to add a student to uPAR using a username and password.
  5. How do I make an Educator an Admin on the uPAR website?

    Steps on how to turn a uPAR educator into and admin
  6. How do I add educators on the uPAR Website?

    Steps on adding Educators in uPAR.
  7. uPAR 4: Student Data Talk

    Going over uPAR results with your students
  8. uPAR 3: Viewing and Interpreting Data

    Viewing and interpreting data from uPAR
  9. uPAR 2: Giving the Protocol

    Giving the uPAR protocol
  10. uPAR 1: Overview

    uPAR overview
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