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Read&Write for Google Chrome: Rewordify

This article demonstrates the functionality of the Rewordify feature in Read & Write for Google Chrome.

Rewordify identifies complex or challenging words in your text and offers simpler alternatives to enhance comprehension. Upon clicking the Rewordify button, words and phrases throughout the page will appear in italics.

You have the option to click on any word to switch between viewing the original text and the simplified, reworded version. For instance, the original word "Unique" can be replaced with "Like nothing else in the world".


In the Settings menu, you can increase or decrease the amount of words on the page that are changed. Minimum keeps more of the original text, while Maximum shows you more of the simplified words.

Note: Rewordify Does not Work in Google Docs, it works on the web, including learning management systems like Canvas, Schoology, and D2L. 


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